Touch Point Pro

Safety first ...


FLO interactive was brought in to help improve the quotation process for Honeywell’s Gas Detection Systems. The process involves scoping the entire site and capturing all the requirements and translating this into a quotation for the client.
Whilst we were asked to design an application for this particular task, seeing the proposals, product management asked us to also redesign the ‘on product’ interface.


Our experience flow analysis revealed all the stakeholders in the end to end customer journey. The concept design we created proposed a multi-user and omni-platform solution which created a unique and consistent user experience.

Touch Point Pro

Safety first ...


FLO interactive was brought in to help improve the quotation process for Honeywell’s Gas Detection Systems. The process involves scoping the entire site and capturing all the requirements and translating this into a quotation for the client.
Whilst we were asked to design an application for this particular task, seeing the proposals, product management asked us to also redesign the ‘on product’ interface.


Our experience flow analysis revealed all the stakeholders in the end to end customer journey. The concept design we created proposed a multi-user and omni-platform solution which created a unique and consistent user experience.

Touch Point Pro

Safety first ...


FLO interactive was brought in to help improve the quotation process for Honeywell’s Gas Detection Systems. The process involves scoping the entire site and capturing all the requirements and translating this into a quotation for the client.
Whilst we were asked to design an application for this particular task, seeing the proposals, product management asked us to also redesign the ‘on product’ interface.


Our experience flow analysis revealed all the stakeholders in the end to end customer journey. The concept design we created proposed a multi-user and omni-platform solution which created a unique and consistent user experience.

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Year / Duration

2014 / 14 months

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Gas detection and control systems are complex systems which involves many stakeholders with different roles and responsibilities. Creating one orchestrated user experience which ties everything together is no easy task.


In particular since any product has to comply to extremely high levels of safety standards. The user experience therefore had to be designed for safety.

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The new quotation tool process also proved successful in the marketing and sales. As for the on product UI, our user centred approach helped the development team to reduce the total process of installation (on site) roughly by 45% to 60%.

The multi-user, omni-platform concept was used by product management in re-addressing their business proposition.

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Project Team

portrait of Paul Neervoort

Paul Neervoort

portrait of Aart Brouwer

Aart Brouwer

portrait of Guy Roberts

Guy Roberts

portrait of Ron van Zon

Ron van Zon

Skills we USED FOR Touch Point Pro

Experience Flow

Information flow


Design for mobile

portrait of Paul Neervoort

Paul Neervoort

Co-founder & Interactive Design Consultant at FLO interactive

Engineering at its finest. Never knew there were so many settings behind the thermostat on the wall.

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