where the wind blows ...


Gill is an established company with an evolving product range, but complexity of installation and the complications of calibration often meant that the extended experience of the product was soured by initial use.
Our client, as consultant to Gill asked us to help visualize and demonstrate a solution and future direction.

We were tasked with bringing some coherence and consistency to the work flow and connected experience from on-line, through istallation and set-up, to daily use. In addition we looked to better express the brand and improve its visual identity.


Work-in-progress ...


where the wind blows ...


Gill is an established company with an evolving product range, but complexity of installation and the complications of calibration often meant that the extended experience of the product was soured by initial use.
Our client, as consultant to Gill asked us to help visualize and demonstrate a solution and future direction.

We were tasked with bringing some coherence and consistency to the work flow and connected experience from on-line, through istallation and set-up, to daily use. In addition we looked to better express the brand and improve its visual identity.


Work-in-progress ...


where the wind blows ...


Gill is an established company with an evolving product range, but complexity of installation and the complications of calibration often meant that the extended experience of the product was soured by initial use.
Our client, as consultant to Gill asked us to help visualize and demonstrate a solution and future direction.

We were tasked with bringing some coherence and consistency to the work flow and connected experience from on-line, through istallation and set-up, to daily use. In addition we looked to better express the brand and improve its visual identity.


Work-in-progress ...

icon client


Gill Instruments

icon location



icon industry


Metereological instruments

icon year

Year / Duration

2018 / 2 months

lucht foto
2 persons being interviewed


Metereological equipment requires precise installation and configuration if it is to be accurate. Positioning, alignment, and connection all have a precise order and demand a number of skills and a high level of concentration from the user/operator.

Often situated in hard to reach places (ship, weather station, roof or tower) the devices currently provide little in the way of self help, mostly in paper form. A mobile based guided installation was seen as a step forward to realising a more complete experience, with the addition of connected help and tutorials.

Analysis of typical and a-typical work flow ensured a targeted solution.

SCADA levels


Not having ventured into the mobile domain, and with a limited on-line presence, our client was keen to take Gill to the next level in terms of experience and service offer.

FLO delivered a proposal for a mobile based stepped install process, applied systematically to the product range, with a visual update providing a stronger brand presence.


Project Team

portrait of Guy Roberts

Guy Roberts

Flo interactive Team Member Paul Neervoort

Paul Neervoort

Skills we used for Additive Industries Project

Context Analysis

Human Factors Engineering


Rapid prototyping

avatar of Han Kohar

Han Kohar

Co-founder & Interactive Design Consultant at FLO interactive

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