Room Up

location-location-location ...


Industrial Heating and Air conditioning may not be glamorous, but systems around industrial product delivery and installation are where design thinking can have great impact.

Extensive user research generated a comprehensive set of commercial and functional requirements, and we were able to produce a simple, compelling application.


The navigation and interaction model has been implemented in the current app and the concept has been re-used successfully.

Room Up

location-location-location ...


Industrial Heating and Air conditioning may not be glamorous, but systems around industrial product delivery and installation are where design thinking can have great impact.

Extensive user research generated a comprehensive set of commercial and functional requirements, and we were able to produce a simple, compelling application.


The navigation and interaction model has been implemented in the current app and the concept has been re-used successfully.

Room Up

location-location-location ...


Industrial Heating and Air conditioning may not be glamorous, but systems around industrial product delivery and installation are where design thinking can have great impact.

Extensive user research generated a comprehensive set of commercial and functional requirements, and we were able to produce a simple, compelling application.


The navigation and interaction model has been implemented in the current app and the concept has been re-used successfully.

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Year / Duration

2014 / 9 months

exterior view of an office building at night
construction worker on a building site


When we were called in Honeywell was engaged in an extensive development project to create an application to improve the efficiency and quality of the installation process, configuring and testing of control systems for heating and air-conditioning units in (complex) buildings. 

Based on extensive user research a large set of requirements had been formulated, which we were asked to translate into tangible concepts and deliver a flexible, extendable UI. 

Logical workflow analysis, as seen by key personas, delivered clear design direction.

interfaces on iPhones


Communicating the activity flow, whilst providing hierarchical access to key functions produced a simple and above all understandable model. Linking this to a planning application that updated and presented each project in the technician's schedule made a tangible difference to the efficiency of the work flow.

The layering build-up, as the technician ‘dug down’ to find the problem offered a clear point of focus, and has since been adopted in other application areas within the connected building control domain.

view over an office environment with an inset of a mobile device

Project Team

portrait of Paul Neervoort

Paul Neervoort

portrait of Han Kohar

Han Kohar

portrait of Guy Roberts

Guy Roberts

portrait of Aart Brouwer

Aart Brouwer


Experience Flow

Information flow


Design for mobile

portrait of Paul Neervoort

Paul Neervoort

Co-founder & Interactive Design Consultant at FLO interactive

Engineering at its finest. Never knew there were so many settings behind the thermostat on the wall.

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